Size guide: Bedroom.
I get asked a lot about what artwork size to buy for particular areas of the home. This post will explore an array of bedroom options. I have compiled some of our most popular ideas/combos, but of course the options are endless.
I am also here to help - please take advantage of my free consultation service if I can assist with anything at all. I can mock up different artworks/sizes in your home so you can compare your options.
Contact me to get started.
I hope this gives you some inspo!
Kimmy X
Single hero piece.
(shown on king and queen bed)

900x1100mm, vertical

900x1400mm, horizontal

700x1400mm, horizontal

Multiple pieces.
(shown on king and queen bed)

500x600mm vertical, x2

500x600mm horizontal & 300x300mm
Tall bedhead ideas.
(shown on king and queen bed)

406x508mm vertical, hung over bedside

600x600mm hung off-centre
Visualise a variety of sizes and hanging styles.

Size: 900x1400mm horizontal, hung centred
Artwork shown: Rosa I

Size: 900x1400mm horizontal, hung off-centre
Artwork shown: Lotus I

Size: 650x1300mm horizontal, hung centred
Artworks shown: Flourish

Size: 900x1100mm vertical, hung centred
Artwork shown: Rosa VI

Size: 600x600mm, hung off-centre over tall bedhead
Artworks shown: Petal IV

Size: 900x1100mm horizontal, hung off-centre
Artworks shown: Vessels V

Size: 900x1100mm horizontal, hung off-centre
Artworks shown: Lotus II